rogue bistro

6 yıl önce
rouge bistro has been one of those places that have long been on my list. it's not like i haven't made an effort to go and try it, but my delays have been more attributed to the fact that it is so busy, it has been very difficult for me to get a table. in the past half a year or so i've tried booking a table mid week for the weekend, to find that all tables have been booked out in advance. getting quite frustrated with the inability to get a table, i finally booked brunch two weeks ahead, and managed to get a table at 10am.
7 yıl önce
excellent food, service was snappy and unobtrusive. i would definitely eat here again and the sharing plates are good sizes. favourite was the beef tartare
7 yıl önce
the consistently high zomato ratings for rogue make sense considering our excellent dinner there.

mrs kan do immediately fell in love with the lights over the walkway to the entrance of the remodelled house where rogue is situated.

we ordered first to share, the 'bug' (squid ink profiterole, coastal bug and celeriac remoulade). this was an excellent dish, although the squid ink profiteroles had a somewhat unfortunate initial appearance as you would expect. the celeriac remoulade in particular, which is something new to me, was perfect in complementing with its saltiness, the profiteroles and bug. i would rate this dish 4.5-5.

for our main course we ordered 'the ark' (three mains and three sides). the three mains were:
- 'sheep' (macadamia crusted rump, rosemary potato paste, minted pea mousse, fried cauliflower and carrot jam);
- 'bird' (spatchcock, chicken rillette, pickled onion, corn puree, rosti and crispy leek); and,
- 'cow'  (beef rump cap,root vegetables, creamed cauliflower, burnt speck ash and smoked aioli).

the sheep dish was excellent with perfectly cooked meat and with the rosemary potate paste and fried cauliflower was delicious. i've never a been a huge fan of western preparations of lamb with mint, and although the minted pea mousse and carrot jam were not to my taste, i could see how it works in this dish. this dish rated a 4.5

the bird dish was also excellent and was probably the best of the mains. the chicken rillette was something new to me and i enjoyed the flavour combination of the spatchcock with both the rillette and the sweet corn puree. the rosti and crispy leek added both flavour and texture. this dish rated a 4.5-5.

the cow dish was very good, although the one complaint i have here is that we ordered medium and what we got was much closer to rare, which made it impossible for mrs kan do to eat. the flavours of the accompaniments to the rump cap were excellent and probably my favourite of the three mains, with perfect slightly sweet root vegetables and the combination of the creamed cauliflower, speck ash and aioli complementing the meat perfectly. this dish rated a 4.

the sides were beans with kale dressed with sesame oil and tahini; shimeji mushrooms, pancetta crumb and spinach emulsion; and, brussels sprouts with flaked almonds, grapes and almond butter.  each was prepared perfectly and were excellent in combination with the mains. i particularly enjoyed the  beans and the mushrooms. i struggled a  little with the sweetness of the grapes with the salty and slight bitterness of the brussel sprouts which i prefer unadulterated, although mrs kan do found the combination refreshing - so just a matter of personal preference there.  the side dishes rated a 4.5.

the service was efficient, warm and friendly. we felt perfectly looked after. overall, an excellent dining experience, and a good restaurant for a special occasion.
7 yıl önce
amazing breakfast. beautiful presentation and great selection in menu. pricey but worth it. would recommend to book before hand, we booked and still waited quite awhile on our food but was a sunday morning which was extremely busy, and it's understandable why. friendly staff and lovely coffee.
7 yıl önce
where everything seems out of the way, a bit isolated, and somewhat rough-as-nails, there is a definite reason why people tout rogue bistro so much, and for that why it gets such a good reputation which further spreads and becomes the place to be. it is definitely apparent why it is as well-received as it is, and getting it off the to-do list as soon as possible ... just do it, you won't regret it. the only real tip is to get here early, and have a bit of patience.

plans here from the week beforehand were to go here along with my dining buddy, his daughter, and a friend of hers up from sydney. well, they were taking a bit of time to get ready at home which made us run a bit behind the times, and because this place is so popular, it was packed to the rafters with clients - and there were a few waiting to get in. a key difference between us brisbanites to the sydneysiders is that while the former definitely have a friendlier demeanour, we don't take well to waiting in line for food - maybe in sydney, but not here (it's too weird for us). so off it was to somewhere else ... but that's the week beforehand - we are on the story of now.

learning right from that, the weekend afterwards the dining buddy and i were planning ahead for getting here, and being able to get in. people not only stay in line for this place, but they also book ahead to get in. we weren't quite that far ahead in thinking, though there still were tables available. all that had to be done was to be out by a certain time, and that was no sweat at all. as per usual, it was getting woken up early - this time being a sunday, and therefore not as early as usual - throwing on some clothes and then getting on the road. simple as that.

again, the persistence all had to do with how well it was received on this website. if somewhere is with the 4.0 range - and getting towards the high part of that number, damn well nearly the perfect score makes it even more noticeable - then the interest of mine will certainly be peaked. more votes supporting the score will just add fuel to that fire. all of this combined was the deciding factor for a couple of weeks to try and get here, and no matter what the origin story is, the ultimate outcome is that i got to try it and that is all that.

so right off the bat, the service is professional and planned to the t. from the last minutes before the restaurant is open for business, you can see the boss lining up the proteges and instructing them to do really well. the whole process is done a lot like clockwork, and the young waitresses put in a admirable effort. all that has to be said is that it is a well-oiled machine, the way that the service and delivery is working right here. get them in, allow them to have a nice time and not be rushed before they are out again and some new clients come in and get to experience the efficient - if slightly impersonal - service and high-quality food. something about how it is organised with the fairly minimalistic look about the place does create a characteristic juxtaposition (to be fair, the ipads can do the work of a dozen tools seamlessly). which leads us to the next point, the decor.

if you were not looking for it ... or heck, even in the situation of trying to find it, this would be easy to drive past without any notice. we are in the backstreets here, among the car dealerships, warehouses and whatnot. in fact, come to think about it, it might have well been in the alleyway of the adjoining building and they have converted it quite well complete with some astroturf and a few plants to cool it down significantly. the vibe is a real combination of atmospheres, and can easily be accustomed to whatever it is going for - whether it be trendy or relaxed, what matters here is the general care and welcoming attitude can fit most to all potential clients.

from the looks of the menu, it does have the appearance of being a place to be. by that, what is meant is each menu item specifically spells outs all the components a bit like a hatted restaurant; this isn't though, maybe not - certainly not at breakfast. the breakfast menu is a small one, divided into sweet and savoury with five choices each. from those choices, they are either inventive or twists on old favourites. drinks are additionally put into two categories - cold (juices, iced teas and such) and hot (coffee and tea).

get to lunch/dinner time, it becomes a bit more fancy and focuses on sharing. much like most of the upper-class restaurants i have noticed, they seem to designate one meal for each kind of meat that they have - plus token vegetarian - and make each one unique and distinct from the others. again, attention is paid and given to each component and through the descriptions, the meals each give their own character right out. they have a decent selection of sides to spruce up the meals plus the odd few desserts to round it all off.

afterwards, what we have is the beverage menu. this takes up damn well half of the menu. there are all sorts of spirits, cocktails, wines, beers, spirits and ciders. each one of them has a good selection, and sometimes even subsections to get an even bigger variety. from the perspective of coming here for breakfast, that might not look to much like it (never mind the beer taps adjacent to the table) it is definitely one of those places to come and have a good time. it almost combines the craft beer bar with top dining, and it is in the guise of a fairly smart casual place.

it is likely that it changes from time to time, so this was correct at the time of writing.

so the first things first again. we are at breakfast, and that means getting the coffee orders done. it was the same kind of thing for me, a doppio. this isn't anything too new here, they use blue sky coffee in their blends. maybe from some years back i have tried coffees from here; that was before i really knew about the different blends and that. blue sky did stand out because of how the places that used it advertised them out the front - nothing which is ultimately unique. nevertheless, i was never here nor there with blue sky namely because i hadn't tried it from many places, they did it very well here as it was strong, tasted good and had a smooth texture. i was perked up from it, so that is enough for me.

long, long before i was even stepping in the door, i knew what i was going to order. that is not something that happens that often, but if there is some food on the list for me to try and it presents itself right in front of me and the opportunity is there, well i grab the bull by the horns. it was so here with the breakfast menu in the form of chicken and waffles. this is one sonuvabitch that has been evading me for a long time, even with chances that i might have had in the states. at some point in time, it was perpetual that i was searching for somewhere in town that would do it, or wonder where it was possible to score it somehow. with no hesitation, that was locked in mentally and all was planed well and the hunt was laid to rest - for now.

this was a fairly straightforward meal. they made the buttermilk waffles, had bits of popcorn chicken around the plate, along with a fried egg, knobs of duck fat aioli and some carrot jam, and a small thimble of maple syrup. and as always, almost every breakfast could get improved with bacon, crispy bacon that is. and this whole damn meal was bloody delicious.

it started off good, with a soft waffle that had a good crunch on the outside which was completed by a slight sugar coating. the bits of chicken were tender and well cooked, only real complaint was they ran out because they were so tasty. the meat was tender, the coating was beautiful and it went together well. also, the fried egg was soft and definitely an organic variety. the next step was pouring the syrup all over, and that made it better - from the sounds of it, all of it should not go together but somehow it all comes together in the end. this was really sweet, and must have been authentic syrup since it had the viscous texture plus was sweet - but not cloyingly sweet. it went well with the chicken, surprisingly well with the sharp-tasting aioli and the sweet carrot jam. on the side, there was several bits of bacon as requested. and this time, they must have taken the "crispy" request very seriously; my dining buddy reckoned that they put it in the deep-fryer. if so, only one word needs to be used for it - awesome!

i look forward to plenty of this sucker when back in the homeland. it sounds like the most slap-up of slap-up meals, and spaghetti is permanently stuck on the walls - that is how much it works. finally, some place in this town understands just how much that creation - with the infatuation of american cuisine and all that - is just asking to be put on the menu at breakfast.

as for my dining buddy, he went with their omelet. it was filled with pork belly, mushrooms, a harissa yoghurt, baby spinach and onion jam, complete with a top up of balsamic aioli. this was also really good, the quality of pork belly was fantastic with the right amount of cooking, plus the fat was like butter going down my throat. they beat the eggs into a great consistency that was very smooth, and with bits of spice and sweetness from the various ingredients, it was just as good. they are going very well do distinguish themselves in many ways, and it is definitely not through an accident that it has done so well.  

after all this time, finally getting to the rogue in newstead, it certainly lives up to the hype - at least as far as breakfast goes. it is certainly worth waking up early to get in here, as it is all done right and everything is in the right place. within this central area of brisbane, so many of the markets are saturated with competition that greenhorns have to fight tooth and nail to get noticed and succeed; newstead is a bizarre case where one now more or less has the monopoly and it runs the show very well - the food and the whole vibe is a case where it cannot really be pigeon-holed. this is all-up, an admirable effort.

tl;dr: trendy to the point that it has people lining up, and as welcoming and laid back as to the point that walk-in appointments are just as possible, rogue bar and bistro has gotten a unique reputation in brisbane that would not be out of place in a more trendy, fashion-based city elsewhere in the world. regardless of whether it is breakfast or dinner, they aim to both please and surprise which is often lacking in most of the breakfast hotspots around town. the only substantial way to get the message across is get here as soon as you can.
7 yıl önce
this recent find has been one of the most exciting of mine this month. the sweet waffles i had tasted incredible and the green tea ice cream had the perfect amount of sweetness and flavour to it - neither the tea flavour nor the sweetness was overpowering. there was a nice amount of coulis on the dish with meringue dotting the surrounds of the waffle. this is definitely somewhere i'd recommend to have a special brunch. the prices on the menu was also quite reasonable. just a tip though: book in advance to avoid the long wait.
7 yıl önce
a wonderful restaurant in a bit of a 'blink and you'll miss it' location. 

we had the 'the ark' - three animals and three sides. this was plenty of food for two hungry diners! 

we had the pork - absolutely delicious and my pick of the night. the brussel sprouts were fantastic and it's not often you can say that about the sprout! the beef was cooked beautifully, so tender. we also had the duck which i found way too rich, to the point that i couldn't enjoy it which was a shame. we probably should have chosen fish rather than three heavy meats. 

the sides were delicious - funnily enough i loved the cucumber the most! the chips were my husbands choice so he of course loved those and the peas were lovely and fresh. 

i like that it's byo and it has a lovely ambiance, especially outside. service was very attentive without being ott or annoying which is rare these days. highly recommended, i really enjoyed rogue.
7 yıl önce
i came here cluelessly for a 2 year anniversary with my girlfriend hoping this place would be nice to dine in, as soon as i walked in, i realised it was perfect. the waiters came instantly asking if we would like something to drink, immediately served the menus, i asked a few questions about a dish, and i had very good descriptions of the dish, i had the (pork, cow, and duck) $55 pp. i truly believe, it was well worth it ! i had the ice globe for dessert and it was so good i definitely recommend coming here !
7 yıl önce
it was our last day together before hubby johnk2154 heads back to sydney for work commitments.. thought we would treat ourselves for our final dinner together at rogue bar & grill.
i was worried with the brisbane heatwave that it could be unbearable, but the attentive waiters had the fans set up and the chilled water always topped up.
my first positive impression was when we booked online. what i loved is it gave sitting times and advised length of time allowed and that the only time available at such late notice was a 5.30pm sitting. being in the "mature" 😉 demographic, this didn't put us off and quickly received an email confirming the booking! happy days, no lost booking by forgetful staff.
how wonderful for all, that staggering the arrival of patrons allows a smooth and certainly a more attentive and enjoyable experience. i am sure the waiters & chefs appreciate this forward thinking by management to make working in hospitality a little less stressful and demanding.
very promptly our ale & cider arrived to help us peruse the menu.
is there really any other way to go at rogue than ordering "the ark"? this dish allows 2 people to choose 3 mains and 3 sides from the menu for $55ph. we opted for mains of pork, beef & duck. for the sides we picked fat chips, green peas in goats cheese and the spiced cauliflower.
the presentation of this dish was 1st class. all 3 mains were very tasty, but what we both had a fight over was the cauliflower side. so tasty, crunchy batter and smoothly soft cauliflower was a standout!
now, we love our food and usually never leave a scrap when dining out, but we had to admit defeat with not finishing the peas and chips.
after seeing other recent reviews about breakfast, will definitely have to book for this meal on hubby's return later in february.
7 yıl önce
i've been twice before and the food is great - it looks fancy and it tastes good. it's a shame the service is painstakingly slow and that the turn people away with empty tables for booked guests. this completely makes sense for larger groups and dinner but not for breakfast.
7 yıl önce
our weekly saturday date! i have had this place bookmarked for some time. it was mb's choice this week and he beat me to it!

tucked away down a side street near brekky creek, you will find this great place. from the outside, love the long shade cloth that not only (obviously) provides much needed shade on a ridiculously hot day but privacy too. a nice simple back drop that would otherwise be a great view of the mazda dealership and warehouse type places across the road. there was a long, very comfy seat just outside for those of us that weren't able to get a booking and were happy to wait.

staff and service - the staff were excellent and so was the service. the maitre d was lovely - we asked for a table for 2. she explained they were booked out and told us the wait would be 20-25 minutes but managed to have us seated in 15.

once inside, we placed our drinks order and about 5-10 minutes later, our food order. our food and drinks hit the table about 10-15 minutes after ordering which was pleasantly surprising considering how busy they were. coco pine crush drink for me and waffles. my drink was made up of pineapple, lychee and coconut water topped with coconut flakes. on a scorching day like today, this drink is exactly what the turtle needed. refreshing and cold.

my waffles were excellent. matcha waffles topped with green tea ice cream and pashmak with fresh strawberries, raspberry gel and meringue garnished with mint. i have to admit here, i was a little disappointed visually when my plate arrived. the menu said matcha and stawberry mint salad and i'm not sure that's what was plated up. don't get me wrong, it tasted beautiful and it could just be what i envisioned but had the meal been plated up differently, i could accept it as a salad. each ingredient on its own, tasted amazing and then eaten together, it was an explosion of flavour. the tartness of the gel, the sweetness of the meringue, acidity of the strawberries paired with the soft texture and slight savoury hint of the waffle was amazing.

if i had to point anything out, i would have liked less of the piped meringue and what was on the plate toasted more. it had nice colour to it but there was no texture. i didn't think the pashmak really blended with the dish. instead of this, i would have loved more mint. it would have added a much needed bright, fresh hit to the dish. other than this, i still really enjoyed my breakfast.

the price was excellent and location was super easy to find. i would definitely return to try their omelette, after tasting the pork belly in mb's brekky, i can't not go back!
7 yıl önce
considering the blistering heat of 40 degrees today i'm glad i decided we have breakfast at rogue, a very open cafe with great airflow.

i already got the heads up from the phone call i made this morning about how busy they might be but took the risk anyway. on arrival rogue was already bustling and full to the brim, we were told a 20 min wait and that was fine because they had adequate seating out front and staff were ever so polite about it. our name got called and we were seated inside right under a number of fans going at full speed, i shouldn't have (because it was ridiculously hot but did anyway) ordered my usual coffee, was delivered so quick and it was perfect!!!! the staff treat the customers so well and do it with a smile, so on point with attending to your needs to make your visit that little bit more enjoyable.

for the main was omelette with pork belly which came considerably quick considering the place was busy. the pork belly was cooked just right and melted in your mouth, if i to be picky i would say that it needed more yogurt and harissa because i was looking forward to those two combinations to come through but sadly they didn't. all in all a fantastic start to the morning and this a place i would revisit.
7 yıl önce
currently my fave brisbane restaurant. i've only been three times, but i'm unable to fault the food, drinks, presentation or service. if you're sharing, you can't go past the ark, i've have tried the cow, bird, pig & game and each bite has been amazing. sweet tooth? the desserts are plated so beautifully & with such great flavours. the only downside to a small, excellently crafted menu is that now i've tried all the desserts, i'm waiting for the menu to change before i go back!
7 yıl önce
incredible! went with friends and family, the customer service is great, the place is great. it was really cold when i went (a few months ago) but there were blankets and heating. 

we had the ark. twice. just because we felt that we had to try as many plates as we could, after we had finished one set of the "ark", we were just taken aback by presentation and taste that we ordered another "ark" of different plates while we were eating. 

so much flavour, it was an incredible experience. will come back for sure!
7 yıl önce
never disappoints! great service, lovely staff, cannot fault anything! menu is fresh and exciting and updated every season! the only challenge is deciding what to order!
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