dish fine burger bistro

9 yıl önce
nádherný, jedním slovem nádherný, burger (dish) byl báječnej, hranolky domácí, též luxus, doporučená zmrzlina nakonec, byla krásnou tečkou, hruškovice (sice žufánek, ale i tak byla dobrá), děkuju moc za krásně strávený nedělní podvečer..........přeji hodně úspěchů a nevidíme se naposledy..........44
9 yıl önce
takhle vypadá burgrové nebe! maso z dish je v porovnání s většinou jiných podniků nejenom jiné hřiště, ale taky úplně jiný sport. z rychlého jídla je tady malá oslava, za kterou byste dali mnohem víc než zaplatíte.
9 yıl önce
nejlepší burger v praze, na kterém jsem dosud byl. neotřelé prostředí s fantastickou nabídkou kvalitního jídla.hamburgerový boom, který teď prožíváme, má určitě etalon v téhle restauraci. pokud by každý podnik, který má ty své "nejlepší burgery v praze" byl alespoň z půlky na téhle úrovni, budu spokojený.
9 yıl önce
co dodat - jednoznačně nejlepší burgery v praze. dokonale vyvážená chuť. výborné a šťavnaté maso. bulka měkká, hranolky stylově v kornoutku.  útulný interiér. je lepší si udělat rezervaci, protože počtem míst je toto bistro jedno z menších.  rád se sem vracím a vracet rozhodně budu i nadále. jediným zádrhelem může být pro někoho cena, ale pokud si chcete pochutnat, tak jdete za zážitkem a ne cenou. vyplatí se si občas připlatit.
9 yıl önce
too bad when a reataurant has a good food to offer but totally spoils it by service! yesterday we went there to get butgers. we were waiting 40 mins at the table. then our waitress offered seat to a couple at our table! no matter how full a restauant is, no one nowadays will share the table with total strangers. i ofc asked for the food to go.. we waited other 10 mins, after which we asked when it will ne done.. the cook was so rude on us! honestly, this is such a behavior ive never seen in my life..that cook will be rude on customers for no reason, who came to the restaurant to eat..the manager was there and didnt even apologise for all this! definitely not going to support businesses like this anymore..with lots of new places being open, this is the worst mistake to be made- to be rude on customers..
9 yıl önce
dish dela zatim moje nejoblibenejsi burgery v cechach!)) fakt me bavi jejich housky a hranolky a maso je samozrejme pecka uplna! jestli mate chut na neco mensiho, tak i salaty tam maji nejlepsi, treba s kozim syrem!
9 yıl önce
není sporu o tom, že co se týče "dyzajnu", tak to tady mají vymakané. burgery to jsou skutečně fotogenické a musím říct, že i chuťově mě dish burger docela potěšil (na druhou stranu žádný nezapomenutelný zážitek se také nekonal, prostě burgery,no). bulka byla příjemně měkká, maso šťavnaté, prostě všechno jak má být. hranolky mě lehce zklamaly - na můj vkus moc vyměklé, ale vynahradila mi to koriandrovo - nějaká majonéza, která byla delikátní.  koktejl s ginem a saint germain moc germainu neobsahoval (nebo to aspoň na chuti nebylo poznat), takže trošku zklamání. celkově příjemný zážitek, jediné co bych vytkla je na můj vkus trošku moc chladno v podniku.
9 yıl önce
if you are looking for some super awesome burgers in prague, dish is definitely winning on that count. the names and descriptions on the menu not only sound interesting but also set your expectations really high. i decided to order portobello burger with french fries. the massive portobello mushroom paired with smoked mozzarella cheese was more than heavenly for a vegetarian who was dying to taste some good praha burgers. the pesto as well as pickled onions just added the right amount of funky twist to this incredible burger. the fries were little too salty than usual. but i would want to visit this place again, just to try the second best vegetarian option on the menu (tatarak) and i am sure i won't be disappointed.
9 yıl önce
this is the second time i am in prague and this time i could experience good restaurants with someone that really knows the city and where to eat!this dish is one of the good ones!i ordered the savory, a burger that includes portobello mushrooms, caramelised onion, tomato and a parmesan crunchy chip. the mix of flavours is amazing!i also tasted the piri-piri that, as you can imagine, is a little bit spicy. this burguer is good too...but i definitely prefered the become this a perfect meal, we ordered bistro fries with fig mayonaise (this sauce wasn't in the list but it should be!!!). it's delicious and a perfect combination!the service is nice, the space is perfect for a burger restaurant and the price is also good.i absolutely recommend this restaurant!
9 yıl önce
oh my dish! first time i loved it, second time i adored it, third time i realised this is definitely the best burger restaurant in praha and probably the finest i ever visited! my experience started by loving the "olomouc & porto" - here the tasty beef burger perfectly joins the salt-sweet game between the traditional olomouc cheese and the caramelised onion with port wine (the most famous nectar of my hometown porto). some days later, i went for the second round to adore the house burger "dish" - it has the classic burger structure (beef, cheddar, bacon & salad) but the top quality and freshness of ingredients, their strategic placement and the perfect seasoning makes this one unique and unforgettable. i know it will sound crazy but again, some days later i decided to go for the third round. this time i ordered the "piri piri" and i totally surrendered to the power of dish. the spicy star of the menu is a strong and delicious explosion of taste, with manchego sheep cheese, chorizo and red chilli sauce, on top of the so-referred beef burger. it is important to refer that these three experiences at dish were perfectly sided by the hand-peeled bistro fries and the únětický pivovar (my favourite czech beer). top food, top beer, kind and quick service at a reasonable price means a very high recommendation.
9 yıl önce
dish has probably the best burgers that i've had in prague.went there for dinner with some friends, and even though we called to book a table, all that they had available was a seat at the bar. less than ideal but the burgers made it worth is located in vinohrady, not too far away from náměsti míru.the place itself is not very big, with 10 tables maximum. the decoration is kitsch and retro, with non matching plates and cool furniture. it also features a very large open kitchen so you can witness your burger getting made from start to finish (especially so if you're sitting at the bar).the food itself was pretty damn good. i had the caesar burger, and we also requested some fig mayonnaise and some lime mayonnaise to share - these guys have wonderful mayonnaises to go with their chips - and both these were amazing. i especially liked the lime one, it was really different to what you can find elsewhere, and it really made the already good chips shine.the meat was good and the size of the burger was very good as well. enough to make you full, but not so much that you feel stuffed.all of this along with a 0,5 l of my favourite beer: únětický pivovar, and i was in heaven.only thing i found strange, especially for a place with such a good service and a place specialising in burgers, was that they didn't ask you how you wanted your meat. this seems completely basic to me, and is a small negative point in an otherwise really good experience.i will definitely be going back very soon, and i recommend that everyone makes a trip over there. it's worth it, believe me!
9 yıl önce
dish má dobře zmáknutej marketing:) vážně, hodně dlouho jsem přemýšlel, co sem vlastně napsat, protože ve své podstatě je mi tenhle podnik svou přítomností na každém internetovém (a nejen tam) patníku krajně nesympatický. od začátku je to přehajpovaný až hanba. ale co naplat, to je přece jen můj, velmi pravděpodobně debilní, feeling. pravdou je, že dish burger je za mě prostě nejlepší burger v praze, že ty hranolky v tom papíru jsou super a že únětice jsou moje srdcový pivo. až se sám sobě někdy divím, že sem vlastně nechodím víc.
9 yıl önce
super místo na burger (mají i vegetariánské!), jediné mínus je v tom, že tu nemůžete zůstat dlouho, místa v restauraci se rychle točí, všude a stále jsou rezervace...
9 yıl önce
kdo by neznal jednu z nejvýraznějších burgráren v praze. dish je velmi svěží koncept jednoduchého a malého burger bistra. místo vhodné na rychlý oběd nebo večeři, když máte chuť na poctivého burgera. chodit do dishe je také velice moderní. jestli chcete být cool a vzít lufťáky na něco parádního, tak vyrazte do dishe, které je od dob svého otevření stále trendy.  
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