viking soul food

10 yıl önce
viking soul food served lefse – a rustic thin potato flatbread that was prepared on a griddle, very similar to crepe. they served their lefse sweet or salty. normally i would have viking soul food’s staple – lefse with smoked salmon, dill crème fraiche, shallot and watercress. i had the meat ball with surkal (sweet and sour cabbage) and cheese sauce as well which was fantastic.
10 yıl önce
as with any food that gets hyped up before i try it i had overly high standards, i was by no means blown away by my meal. it tasted really good, but for $8.50 (including a water cup and the credit card fee) left me a little unsatisfied. next time, i’d go with the meatball and add some chips or something.
10 yıl önce
we wanted to try it because it was so different. it stood out! as always i asked them what i should order to get the full experience.  i love this, because i usually get stuff i would never try. she steered us towards the meatball lefse and the smoked salmon. she cut them in half so we could share. wow!  this place does not disappoint, just like all the readers said.  the smoked salmon was by far my favorite. it was fresh, and full of flavor with the dill creme fraiche and pickled shallots. they are wrapped in potato flatbread, that is to die for. they are not heavy at all and they have a great rich flav
11 yıl önce
soul soul good. been meaning to try eating here but every time i go to this pod i end up just ordering from cack-a-lacks. this time i got food from both and i was not disappointed. their wraps were fantastic; i'll definitely be heading back.
12 yıl önce
jewel of all jewels. i finally had the chance to try jeremy's favorite it was the lefse with nuts and flor de sal or butter and local honey it was probably the healthiest thing i have had at a cart in some time and i truly enjoyed it, an absolute must on my menu for this palace a true jewel of jewels. my kids favorite thing about megan & jeremy's (viking soul) is playing with the sword and helmet it keeps them going for 3 or 4 minutes. now with this fantastic cart added to our venue we have healthy options too, so to all you reading this go down say hi or hallo in native tongue and keep portland weird & eat at the carts…..tell em rick sent ya.

-----12 jun, 2011-----

awesome food. meeting the owners, they were great they moved over here from the other side of town and from what they say they absolutely love the new pod all my friends eat there and love their unique food keep portland weird eat at viking soul
12 yıl önce
nod to snack barge. truly a memorable unique experience! the dessert was just as tasty. this combo filled this tummy just fine.
13 yıl önce
snack barge. even though my wife had already sampled food from these guys, i had absolutely no idea what to expect from this cart. her enthusiasm offered promise, but honestly, looking over the menu, culturally, i was a bit lost. so the hell with it: one of the daily specials was some kind of bratwurst wrap. i went that route. we wandered around a bit while the proprietress put our order together. this food court is a funny place; where else can you find a boat that sells $5 hot dogs dry docked in a parking lot? and when was the drunken ladle going to finally open its window to the public? unfortunately we were unable to solve any of these mysteries before our food beckoned us.
we wandered the entire 50 yards to our door stoop, and once inside unwrapped that aluminum foil and dug in. wow. what the hell is going on? is that cabbage and jam in the same space? how do they partner so naturally with cheddar cheese and sausage , and how does this tortilla (i know, its called a lefse) hold together so well? this was one of the most interesting things i had ever tasted. usually you know what to expect when you take a bite of something. in this case, i had absolutely no idea what to expect, and that made for a completely wonderful experience. suddenly, it was gone, and i was sad. i had been given a short glimpse into a wonderful new world and now that door had been closed. i suppose next time i will have to get two of them.
grade: b+ (more of a snack than a meal; i would gladly pay an extra buck for a little more filling between the folds of that lefse)
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