
2 yıl önce
oxford road
they are simply the best burritos in manchester!

i have had more than my fair share of burritos, a few hundred more than the next guy. burritos are like pizza in that, even when they're bad, they're good. but a really, really good burrito can be a truly awesome culinary experience.

manchester now has a great selection of different burrito vendors, and i've tried them all. although changos lacks the selection and gloss of it's more famous competitors, it does the one thing it's meant to do better than any other - it makes incredible burritos.

their sauces are top notch, especially the oak smoked chipotle. the addition of bits of tortilla chips in the burrito adds some really interesting texture, and the various salsas work beautifully with the chicken. i could literally eat here every day and never get bored.

they are simply the best burritos in manchester!
5 yıl önce
oxford road
always satisfied with chango's. it is the best mexican i've ever tasted! high quality food and light on the pocket - it would want you to come back in again. giving it a 5/5 for its food, taste and quality!
5 yıl önce
oxford road
i had to buy the lads changos because i came bottom of the fantasy league at work. the online order form was really useful for us to fill in our 7 (ouch!) orders beforehand and pass them over the counter. the burritos were fantastic, loads of tasty filling and just the right amount of spice. the staff were really friendly too - totally recommended.
6 yıl önce
oxford road
better than other chains!
love the mexican food served here! was one of my favourite go to restaurants during college.
for jains who do not get mexican very easily, i would totally recommend this place.
hope you would open more outlets
10 yıl önce
oxford road
after watching denzel washington film man on fire, i am an expert on mexico’s kidnapping problem, however, during my pre-dining analysis, i did not notice any blacked out windowed cars or anybody resembling a drug baron and so felt safe(ish).
10 yıl önce
oxford road
it only cost me £15 for both of us, and we left after about 10 minutes fairly satisfied. i couldn't tell you if changos burrito is better or worse than barburrito, they seemed about the same to me.
with mexican inspired places popping up all over town, and with lucha libre opening shortly, it seems changos have appeared at just the right time. it's always interesting when somewhere is so busy they have a queue at lunch time, in this case i think it's the right product at the right price and most importantly the right location.
so, is it worth queuing for? no, not for me it isn't.
but it is a fairly decent lunch and a much better bet than a supermarket pre-packaged overly chilled bland sandwich. and it is a great little business, so good luck to them i say, though it doesn't look like they'll need it.
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